This short guide explains the steps required to add our HMRC submission integration for UK Corporation Tax.

How to activate the integration:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the 'UK Corporation Tax' integration tile
  3. Click on the 'Create UK Tax integration' button in the top right corner

Note: Only the admin user that creates the integration can change or remove it.

How to use the integration:

  1. From the client overview screen in Silverfin, click on 'Actions'
  2. Click ' Download data'
  3. Click 'iXBRL Corporation Tax'
  4. Click 'Submit to HMRC'. This takes you to the integration screen which looks like the below: 
  5. Enter your HMRC credentials
  6. Select/deselect 'Test submission' checkbox
  7. Click 'Submit to HMRC'
    1. If this is a test submission, it will validate the submission package with HMRC. You will be taken to the client overview screen and into the communication panel on the right hand side. Here you will receive an acknowledgement message and shortly afterwards you'll receive either a success or error response.
    2. If it is a live submission, the flow is exactly the same, but the submission package will actually be submitted to HMRC.

Note: For test submissions, HMRC credentials are not required.