Silverfin allows you to manually add data to a manual client at any time. 

1. If you are using a manual file- you will be asked to upload data to get you started!

2. If you already have some data and you want to upload data into a new period, you can by locating the Client Overview > Add New Period

3. You can replace data in that particular period by selecting Client Overview > Actions > Replace bookkeeping data (with the revolving circles)

Upload data manually by following these 5 steps:

1. Uploading data

Choose a file that you want to upload.  Make sure the file type is csv, txt or xlsx. The file can contain basic data such as account code, account name and balance (or debit/credit). Corrupt or incomplete files cannot be uploaded. 

Here's a few key points to remember when preparing your Excel document:

  • Make sure all the columns in your import have column headers
  • Make sure there are no blank rows in the data
  • Silverfin recognises commas as the end of a whole number so please ensure thousands are not separated with a comma 
  • Ensure your dates are in the 'date format' in Excel
  • Ensure your data is YTD

Note: your date must have the format of a 'date field'

An example below:

Date Account number Account name Account type Amount
31/12/2017 1179 AP Account asset -1500
31/12/2017 2204 Accounts Payable (1)  liability 35000
30/09/2017 2205 Accounts Payable (VAT) liability 65000
31/12/2017 2000 Accounts receivable asset 0

At the bottom of this article you can find an Excel example of the minimum data required to upload, as well as an Excel example of a starting pint for uploading a GL TB. 

You can upload as much information as you want to into Silverfin, so it might be worth designing a firm-wide template to use for this!

2. Select columns 

In this tab you are asked to select the columns that you wish to import- this is where you match up the columns headers from your import, with the appropriate columns in Silverfin.

The following columns are essential in order to successfully add the data (but you can import as much information as you feel necessary).

  • Account code: the account code for that particular line item
  • Account name: the name associated with the ledger code (e.g. Issued capital)
  • Account type: the account type associated with the account. This wil determine if the opening balance needs to be brought forward for the account, or if it needs to be included in the retained earnings of the next financial year. Following account types should be used: asset, liability, expense, income, equity.
  • Credit/ debit value: you can either select the value (balance) or both the debit and the credit columns. Keep in mind that the sum of all the accounting values needs to equal zero.
  • Booking date and / or period: booking date, this allows you to associate bookings with a chosen period.

Other columns

  • If you don’t want to add a column, then choose ‘Ignore’, for example in case of unnecessary information.
  • Choose ‘other value’ if you want to upload the data into the Silverfin program and you can then name the columns yourself. Checking the items will confirm the selection.
  • When you have configured everything correctly, click ‘Next’.

3. Check Data

During this step the data will be checked to make sure it is complete before being uploaded.

4. Select periods

Depending on the report frequency that you have selected in Client Information, you can either distribute the data over a number of periods or across a single period. This will happen automatically, based on the selected period or the booking date chosen in the 2nd step of the import process.

Data upload is now complete.

5. Copy data

You will be asked if you want to copy the details from a previous period. This step is not applicable if you are uploading data for the first time.