1) A workflow defines ‘work’ to be completed for a particular set of activities

2) A workflow working screen accompanies a workflow, and shows the structure of the work defined in a workflow

Note - It is only administrators that can change and add workflows.

How to update a workflow

1) IMPORTANT: Structure the workflow in the workflow working screen first! You can either edit an existing workflow working screen, or create a new one.

If your workflow is deployed from the marketplace, then we’ll sync it up and you’ll receive updates going forwards. If you need to edit it, you’ll have the option to desync it from the marketplace and it’ll become a firm workflow.

Tip: It's often easier to make a copy of an existing WF working screen, such as the marketplace workflow rather than starting from scratch!

Note: A workflow working screen functions in the same way as a 'report.'

2) Make any changes to the structure of your workflow working screen:

a) General

  • You can rename the workflow working screen
  • You can change the rounding applied to the nominal codes
  • You can show original / mapped accounts

b) The rows:

  • You can rename a category, by selecting the pencil: 
  • You can remove a category, by selecting the 'bin'
  • You can reorder the items in a workflow, by using the 'drag and drop' functionality. This allows you to restructure the reconciliations or nominal codes within your workflow.
  • Drag in any new reconciliations. Any reconciliations that are not currently structured in that particular workflow will be listed on the right hand side. You can drag and drop these into the workflow wherever you want this to be structured.
  • Add a new 'group'. Drag 'New group' into the position you would like this to be added:
    • Name your group
    • Add an account range (if this relates to bringing in nominal codes). Important: the ranges set-up as your starting point, cover the full Silverfin CoA, so please do not change these. However, if you wanted to make a sub-group, feel free to break these out into separate 'groups.' 
      • If you want to capture all codes beginning with a 1, you can just type 1
      • You can refer to multiple numbers or ranges, by separating with a comma (E.g. 11,12 will cover all codes beginning with 11 and all codes beginning with 12)
      • To cover a range of accounts, use 2 underscores (E.g. 110000__110100 will cover all account codes that fall between 110000 and 110100). 
      • Account ranges cover only 200 codes at once, so if you need to cover more than that, use the comma to separate
    • Switch a sign (if you want to reverse the values of the incoming nominal codes)
    • Show value (ensure this box is selected to show the value, or untick this box if you don't want to show the value) 
  • Expand or collapse the report to various levels 

c) The columns:

  • You can change the periods that are showing in your workflow working screen by editing the 'periods' 
  • As default, these are set up with this year, prior year, nominal and % differences
  • If you want to create a monthly workflow however, you may want to change these periods

3) Update the workflow

Many firms will opt for firm workflows that use our marketplace working screens. This will allow you to make individual customisation to the workflow with your own auto-add selection, checklists & export files, while Silverfin does the hard work of maintaining the content in your working screens.

When you have completed your workflow working screen, you need to create a workflow:

  • Name your workflow 
  • Tell the workflow which Working Screen report you would like it to refer to. You will then be presented with a list of all of the reconciliation within that workflow: 
  • If you want to ensure these reconciliations are auto-added to the workflow, then select the auto-add toggle next to each one. To auto-add all, then select the box right at the top! 
    • Note: if you do not hit auto-add, these reconciliations will not 'automatically' appear in your clients, but if a user chooses to add those reconciliations manually, they will be structured as you have set-up in the workflow working screen report.
  • Add any checklists / export files you wish to the workflow

This is an action that can only be performed by an admin user. If you do not have these rights, contact an admin users within your firm.