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This article explains how to connect Silverfin with FID-Manager to synchronise administrative data. Once the connection is established, any changes made in FID-Manager will  sync with Silverfin.

Table of contents

How to set up synchronisation with FID-Manager on the firm level?

Only users with admin rights can set up synchronisation at the firm level.

To establish the connection, please follow these steps:

  1. In the firm overview screen click on the 'Syncs' tab.
  2. Click the 'Add new sync' button and choose 'Administration sync'.  
  3. From the drop-down menu, choose FID-Manager sync and click 'Connect'.
  4. Fill in the relevant fields.

How to obtain username, password and custom URL from FID-Manager?

To obtain these details, you need to grant Silverfin access in FID-Manager.

  1. Click on 'More' and choose 'External software access parameters (API)'.
  2. Select 'Silverfin'.
  3. Select 'Open access'.
  4. Click on 'Confirm' button.
  5. You will receive an email with the necessary credentials.

How to set up synchronisation on the file level?

To link existing synchronisation with the client file, please perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the file and click on the 'Edit client' button.
  2. Click on the 'Sync' tab.
  3. Click on on plus sign (+) next to Administration sync.
  4. Choose 'FID-Manager' from the list of available administration syncs.
  5. Assign correct administration sync reference. It's usually a name of the file. 
If the file name doesn’t match the company name, it will automatically update to match the name from the administration synchronisation.

What should I do if data from FID-Manager is not pulled in to Silverfin?

If certain data isn’t showing up, it may be due to FID-Manager settings that control Silverfin’s access. If cases or data aren’t syncing, Silverfin might not have the needed permissions. Check the synchronization settings, and if you lack access, contact FID-Manager support for assistance.

Example: VAT compliance