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As an admin user in Silverfin, you have the ability to manage user access on the firm level. Here’s a simple guide to deactivating or reactivating a user.

Deactivating a user

  1. Go to the 'Users' tab on the firm level.
  2. Locate the user profile of the person you wish to deactivate.
  3. Select 'Deactivate user'
  4. Save the changes.

Once deactivated, the user will no longer have access to Silverfin.

Reactivating a user

  1. Go to the 'Users' tab on the firm level.
  2. Locate the user profile of the person you wish to reactivate.
  3. Select 'Activate user'. 
  4. Save the changes.

Users cannot be deleted. Deactivating a user is the optimal option to remove their access.