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Navigate Silverfin's Universal Features: Your Comprehensive Guide.
User management
How to know whether to choose a Pulse user or an external contributor?
How to determine which files a user can access?
How to adjust a User's Access?
How can I add a user in Silverfin?
How do I add a Pulse user?
See all 19 articles
Support and maintenance
How do I adjust financial years?
How do I forward emails to the Documents section of Silverfin?
How do I use features on the office level in Silverfin?
How can I restore deleted documents and folders?
How can I manage visibility of Notes and To-Do's?
How to remove communication from a user who no longer works at our office?
How to use To-Do's in communication?
How to tag my communication?
How can I communicate in Silverfin?
Workflows and Templates: General level
What is a workflow status and how do you manage it on the firm level?
How do I adjust custom workflow working screen?
How does locking the mapping from a certain financial year works?
Why should you start with mapping?
How do I create a text template?
See all 6 articles
Client file management
How can I share a workflow with a Pulse user?
What is the Silvefin Assistant? (BE market)
How to use workflow statuses in the file?
How to lock and unlock mapping?
How do I map a consolidation file?
See all 23 articles
Data management
How can I remap an account?
How account types in mapped files are determined?
How do I extract data from PDF documents with Silverfin Assistant? (UK market)
How do I add data in a previous period in my synced file?
How do I change the reporting frequency?
See all 6 articles
Silverfin Reporting and exports
How to customise export in Silverfin?
How to reduce margins in exported attachments?
How do I download report to Excel?
How to generate export in Silverfin?
How do I resolve unallocated accounts in reports?
See all 7 articles
Trainings and workshops
How do I subscribe for Silverfin workshops?