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This article explains why an account might be missing from your report and how you can resolve the issue. It covers how accounts are included in reports, where to find unallocated accounts, and how to assign them properly.

Table of contents 

Key information

  • If you notice that an account is missing from your report, it is due to the account ranges set up in the report template. 
  • Account Range allows Silverfin to determine which accounts can be utilised in the report template. 

Why Is an account missing in the report? 

New accounts may be added in the file after the report template has been created. For example, if a new account is created in your bookkeeping software  and then pulled into Silverfin, it might not fall within the predefined range in the report template. As a result, it will not automatically appear in your report.

How to find unallocated accounts

If an account falls outside the report template’s range, you will see a notification in your reports.

  1. Click the edit button to open the report template.
  2. On the right-hand side, look for the Unallocated Accounts section. Those accounts are not yet included in your report.
Unallocated accounts are visible only in the unlocked report or in a copy of a locked report. 

How to Assign Unallocated Accounts

To include unallocated accounts in your report:

  1. Simply drag and drop the unallocated accounts into the desired section of the report.
  2. Once assigned, the accounts will be properly reflected in your report.

By following these steps, you can make sure all relevant accounts are included and avoid discrepancies due to missing accounts.