User Roles Admin Staff contributor External contributor Pulse user

Understanding the differences between a Pulse user and an external collaborator in Silverfin is crucial for optimizing collaboration and access within your team. This article outlines the key distinctions and functionalities of each user type to help you make an informed decision.


Pulse User vs. External Contributor

Pulse User

  • Access Level: Limited
  • Customisation: The extent of access is determined by the accountant. Pulse users can, for example, view reports or engage in communication, add proposals for modifications when requested by the accountant. 
  • Ideal For: Clients or partners who need restricted access to specific parts of the client file. 

External Contributor

  • Access Level: Full access to the client file, excluding internal communication.
    • View: External collaborators see the same interface as accountants, except for internal communications where they are not explicitly mentioned.
    • Capabilities: Can fill out templates, create reports, and complete documents.
  • Special Features:
    • Bundles/Exports: External contributors can generate bundles/exports if an admin user requests this functionality from their customer success manager.

Purpose of an External Contributor

The External Contributor role is designed primarily for internal bookkeepers who require comprehensive access to the client file to perform necessary preparations. Instead of obtaining a direct licence from Silverfin, the internal bookkeeper accesses Silverfin through the accountant, who acts as an intermediary.

  • Cost: There is an additional annual fee per user per file for this sublicense. For more details, contact your customer success manager.


  • Pulse User: Best for limited, customisable access. Ideal for clients or partners needing restricted dossier interaction.
  • External Contributor: Best for full dossier access, minus internal communications. Ideal for internal bookkeepers requiring comprehensive dossier access through an accountant intermediary.

For further information or to activate specific functionalities, please reach out to your customer success manager.